Thread starter Surfpup Start date Mar 24, Install Tconfig v included. For issues you find with the Mobile 1. Pixelated Junior XII said: This is the speediest way to get info to DR Studios to look at your issue. terraria tconfig mods

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Is our lord terrwria savior back? Then click save, and run tConfig. If only i had my PC now! When i try to install tconfig in the "Terraria " folder, it gives me the.

tConfig | Terraria Community Forums

Frenzy Moon The Destroyer. Then open game launcher, click "Add App" and enter these: Members Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts.

terraria tconfig mods

This is the speediest way to get info to Pipeworks and get a hotfix in the works. It's easy, you don't need 1. Home What's new Latest activity. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.

This page contains instructions on how to install mods modx the PC version of Fallout 4. If there is a mod installed on two Terraria clients on two different computers, can one client host a server while the other joins with the mod.

Is this real life? Well depends on what kind of mods some mods are tdonfig drag and drop but some require tconfig. Last edited by a moderator: Does that mean tconfig has been updated?

Terraria how to install mods without tconfig

For issues you find with the Switch and Console releases, please follow this link and give as much detail as possible. Never run any programs you Video Tutorial Edit. Installing tConfig without the modified installer. Updates to Terraria can cause any mod to no longer function. The parts on installing mods if you have already installed tConfig and the solutions to Step 3: Thread starter Surfpup Start date Mar 24, Cool it's easier to install now and actually works on my system, thanks.

Install the Terraria Game Launcher included.

terraria tconfig mods

Wait, if tconfig and surfpup are here Vanilla start menu, no tConfig options. For issues you find with the Mobile 1.

The Terraria adventure is truly as unique as the players themselves! It's pretty sad couse I loved making mods in TConfig. It could also be that you did not put all the tConfig files in your steam folder, I dont know if it's in the same place for windows 8.

W1K Eater of Worlds. I get this error: Modz a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our modd of cookies.
